Vince McMahon and the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) have reached a settlement regarding undisclosed funds, ending a 2-year dispute.
The charges were based on over $10 million in settlement cash that McMahon kept from the WWE Board of Directors. The payments were made to two women in exchange for their silence about alleged inappropriate sexual behavior by Vince.
The agreement with the SEC involves a payment of a $400,000 fine, and the repayment of $1.3 million to the WWE. The Commission also added that McMahon has admitted no wrongdoings, nor has he denied their findings.
This revelation comes one year after McMahon’s resignation from TKO, the parent company of World Wrestling Entertainment. He had previously held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The SEC’s beef with McMahon was due to his non disclosure of settlement funds paid out to two women in 2018 and 2021. Because he kept this information from the WWE board, the company filed financial documents that were erroneous.
The absence of this financial data caused the WWE to overstate their net income on the filings from 2019 and 2022.
Will Vince McMahon Return To The WWE?
Allegations from former employee Janel Grant surfaced just prior to the Royal Rumble in January 2024. One year later, WWE RAW, the company’s flagship program, debuted on Netflix and drew 4.9 million live viewers.
Under the creative leadership of Paul Levesque (Hunter Hearst Helmsley, aka Triple H), the WWE has seen a significant uptick in popularity as well as critical approval.
TKO, the parent company of the WWE and the UFC, is unlikely to welcome McMahon back into the fold for a number of reasons. The first is the historic success already mentioned. The second is the weight of the negative baggage that he would bring back into their corporate environment.
The company is no longer a pro wrestling outfit ran by yes-men that only serve McMahon. There are higher powers to serve and they are bringing in record amounts of revenue, a trajectory that began upon Vince’s departure.
What’s Next For Vince McMahon?
When Vince departed the company in 2024, he still retained a considerable amount of shares in WWE stock. He’s since sold his remaining holdings and has pocketed an estimated $1.5 billion.
The bankroll he’s compiled will likely be directed toward a new entertainment company that he’s been working on. The business will focus on the creation of television content and films that are both fiction and nonfiction.
There has been no indication of a McMahon led pro wrestling company, but he is driven by competition and would like nothing more than to overtake the WWE in popularity and ratings.
His latest endeavor will likely pick up steam now that his charges with the SEC have been cleared.
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